城市土地学会 (Urban Land Institute) 是一个会员制教育和研究学会,学会成立于1936年,目前在全球拥有会员四万八千余名,他们都是来自土地利用和开发学科不同领域的代表。ULI在亚太区拥有会员三千余位。学会的宗旨是:为全球社区塑造与时并进的建设环境。
Recently, members of Shanghai ULI visited Six Arts Museum, Six Arts Museum Hotel and Six Arts • Fortune Restaurant, and also went sightseeing in Lili Ancient Town during their cultural discovery tour of the area.
The Urban Land Institute (ULI) is a membership-based educational and research institute established in 1936. Currently, it has over 48,000 members globally, representing various disciplines in land use and development. ULI has over 3,000 members in the Asia-Pacific region. The institute's mission is to shape and advance the constructed environment for global communities.