近日,来自全球不同地区的SKEMA留学生们来到了六悦博物馆参观浏览。SKEMA商学院(School of Knowledge Economy and Management)于2008年底落户于独墅湖高等教育国际化示范区,建立了SKEMA商学院苏州校区。95%的生源为来自欧、美等地的国际留学生,是亚太最大的法国本科及硕士留学生基地。
SKEMA students from all around the world recently visited the Six Arts Museum. SKEMA Business School (School of Knowledge Economy and Management) Suzhou Branch, was established at the end of 2008. 95% of its students come from international locations such as Europe and the United States, making it the largest base for French undergraduate and graduate students in the Asia-Pacific region.