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河南新乡学院参观六悦 Xinxiang University Visits Six Arts

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On October 24, 2024, more than a hundred students from the Environmental Art major at Henan Xinxiang University visited the Six Arts Museum.
新乡学院(Xinxiang University)坐落在中国河南省新乡市,是一所经教育部批准建立的公办全日制普通本科院校。学校办学历史可以追溯到1949年成立的太行公立新乡师范学校,是一所具有红色革命基因、改革开放基因的学校。
Xinxiang University is located in Xinxiang City, Henan Province, China. It is a public full-time undergraduate institution established with approval from the Ministry of Education. The school's history can be traced back to the founding of the Taihang Public Xinxiang Normal School in 1949, making it a university with a legacy of revolutionary and reformist ideals.

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