
On July 18, 2024, Taiping Life Insurance Wujiang Branch held their 2024 semi-annual commendation and presentation event in the Gallery Hall of Six Arts Museum. After the event, the attendees also visited the museum.
Taiping Life Insurance Co., Ltd., is a subsidiary of China Taiping Insurance Holdings Company Limited. The company is headquartered in Shanghai and is one of the largest life insurance companies in China. China Taiping is a centrally-managed financial enterprise based in Hong Kong and is the longest-standing national insurance brand in China's history. It has been ranked as one of the Fortune Global 500 companies for six consecutive years.
六悦博物馆邀请大家通过 “眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意” 六感皆悦的方式沉浸式体验中华传统民俗艺术与文化。 震撼的18,000平米展览空间,分成60多个主题展厅,展示40,000余件古代民俗艺术及收藏品。