
On June 16, 2024, students and faculty from Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics visited the Six Arts Museum.
Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics is located in Lanzhou, Gansu Province. It is the only university in the upper reaches of the Yellow River that has a talent training system for undergraduate, master's, and doctoral degrees in finance and economics. It has been selected as part of the national "Basic Capacity Building Project for Universities in Central and Western China" and is involved in the program for supporting higher education institutions in the western region.
六悦博物馆邀请大家通过 “眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意” 六感皆悦的方式沉浸式体验中华传统民俗艺术与文化。 震撼的18,000平米展览空间,分成60多个主题展厅,展示40,000余件古代民俗艺术及收藏品。
The Six Arts Museum showcases over 40,000 ancient Chinese folk arts and cultural collectibles in its 60+ amazing galleries and 18,000 sqm immersive exhibition spaces.