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中国博物馆协会青年策展人参观六悦 China Museum Association Visits Six Arts

· 活动,Events and Meetings
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为进一步探索博物馆展览叙事的多元化,推动博物馆事业高质量发展,守护好、传承好、展示好中华文明优秀成果,由中国博物馆协会主办,中国博物馆协会陈列艺术专委会、中国博物馆协会青年工作委员会、苏州博物馆承办,腾博基金会支持的“2024 年中国博物馆协会青年策展人高级研修班”。于11月12日上午来到六悦博物馆参观学习。

To further explore the diversification of museum exhibition narratives, promote the high-quality development of museum undertakings, and effectively safeguard, inherit, and showcase the outstanding achievements of Chinese civilization, the "2024 China Museum Association Advanced Training Course for Young Curators" is hosted by the China Museum Association, organized by the Committee of Exhibition Art and the Youth Working Committee of the China Museum Association, along with the Suzhou Museum, and supported by the Tengbo Foundation. On the morning of November 12, the group visited Six Arts Museum for learning and exchange.
中国博物馆协会(Chinese Museums Association,CMA,简称中国博协)成立于1982年,是由国家文物局主管,由开展博物馆有关业务的组织和个人自愿结成的,并依法登记的行业性、全国性的非营利社会团体法人。

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