
2024年7月9日-11日,至美ART LIVING ROOM组织了一场三天两夜的暑期博物馆营,在六悦博物馆完成了研究+创作+展览于一体的艺术体验。
From July 9th to 11th, 2024, Shanghai-based ART LIVING ROOM organized a three-day-two-night summer arts and culture camp at Six Arts Museum. The summer camp provided participating students a fun integrated art experience that included research, creation, and exhibition.
ART LIVING ROOM品牌成立于2018年,作为至美ART LIFE美学生活方式品牌的实体展厅,主要为小艺术家们提供艺术作品展览展示定制服务,同时为艺术爱好者举办高品质、多元化的美学讲座与艺术教育沙龙。
ART LIVING ROOM was established in 2018 as a physical showroom of the exquisite ART LIFE aesthetic lifestyle brand. It primarily offers customized services for art exhibitions and showcases for young artists. Additionally, it organizes high-quality, diverse aesthetic lectures and art education salons for art enthusiasts.
六悦博物馆邀请大家通过 “眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意” 六感皆悦的方式沉浸式体验中华传统民俗艺术与文化。 震撼的18,000平米展览空间,分成60多个主题展厅,展示40,000余件古代民俗艺术及收藏品。