
2024年10月26日,由吴江宝致、苏州宝韵、苏州至宝,三家店联合举办的“奢华之上,动静自如”2024年BMW 7系吴江地区匠心探境之旅,在六悦博物馆进行了车型品鉴、中药手工香囊制作、深度试驾体验、博物馆参观,晚餐一系列的活动。
On October 26, 2024, the "Beyond Luxury, Effortlessly Dynamic" 2024 BMW 7 Series Jiangsu Region Artisan Exploration Journey, jointly organized by Wujiang Baozhi, Suzhou Baoyun, and Suzhou Zhibao, took place at Six Arts Museum. The event featured BMW 7 Series vehicle appreciation, traditional Chinese medicine handmade sachet making, in-depth test driving experiences, museum tours, and a dinner, among other activities.
We would like to express our gratitude to the event organizers for their appreciation of Six Arts Museum and their support for traditional culture and folk art. We look forward to more collaborations in the future.