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太平人寿苏州分公司在六悦举办20周年表彰会 Taiping Life Insurance Event at Six Arts

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2024年11月6日,太平人寿苏州分公司在六悦博物馆举办了“风云璀璨夜 廿载耀星辰”太平人寿苏州分公司20周年领越工程荣誉表彰之领先领航之夜。首先到场嘉宾参观了博物馆,接着欣赏了精彩表演后进行了颁奖环节,最后大家品尝了美味的晚宴。

On November 6, 2024, Taiping Life Insurance hosted an event titled "Brilliant Night of Winds and Clouds: Celebrating 20 Years of Taiping Life Insurance Suzhou Branch's Leading Voyage Project" at the Six Arts Museum. Guests enjoyed guided tours of the museum, followed by an award ceremony and a delicious dinner interspersed with wonderful traditional performances.
Taiping Life Insurance Co., Ltd., is a subsidiary of China Taiping Insurance Holdings Company Limited. The company is one of the largest life insurance companies in China. China Taiping is a centrally-managed financial enterprise based in Hong Kong and is the longest-standing national insurance brand in China's history. It has been ranked as one of the Fortune Global 500 companies for six consecutive years.

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